
Basil is known to be an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and very powerful adaptogen — meaning it helps the body to respond to stress and fight disease.

It is one of the healthiest spices due to its high content of antioxidants, magnesium, and vitamins.

Basil may help regulate hormones, which is very beneficial for women in menopause.

Basil can help the muscles that control blood vessel function contract and relax, promoting healthy blood pressure.

It seems to have the ability to help prevent dangerous clumping together of blood platelets that can form a clot within the arteries and cause cardiac arrest.

Compounds within this herb have been found to reduce circulating blood glucose levels and inflammation, which makes it protective against diabetes development and other forms of metabolic syndrome.

It can positively impact brain function within the adrenal cortex, helping stimulate neurotransmitters that regulate the hormones responsible for making us happy and energetic.

Basil gives zest to tomato dishes, salads, zucchini, eggplant, meat seasonings, stuffing, soups, sauces, and more.

Basil & spinach salad with blackberries


1 cup fresh spinach leaves

8 to 10 fresh basil leaves

1/2 cup blackberries

2 tbsp. fresh goat cheese

2 slices of red onion (optional)


1/2 cup olive oil

1/4cup balsamic vinegar

1 tsp. honey

1 tsp. Dijon mustard

salt & ground black pepper to taste


  • Toss spinach leaves and basil together
  • Add dressing
  • Garnish with remaining ingredients